martes, 26 de enero de 2016

Sony : une nouvelle entit� pour regrouper tout l'univers PlayStation

<b>Sony</b> : une nouvelle entit� pour regrouper tout l'univers PlayStation

<b>Sony</b> : une nouvelle entit� pour regrouper tout l'univers PlayStation

Posted: 26 Jan 2016 01:48 AM PST

Le 1er avril 2016, Sony Computer Entertainment et Sony Network Entertainment International dispara?tront au profit d'une nouvelle soci?t? baptis?e Sony Interactive...

<b>Sony</b> Interactive <b>Entertainment</b> : SCE et SNEI sous le m�me toit

Posted: 26 Jan 2016 01:41 AM PST

Sony annonce une modification de la marque derri?re PlayStation, avec une fusion Sony Computer et Sony Network Entertainment.

All Games Beta: <b>Sony</b> merges PlayStation businesses into US <b>...</b>

Posted: 26 Jan 2016 01:31 AM PST

Sony Computer Entertainment and Sony Network Entertainment Announce the Formation of Sony Interactive Entertainment Sony Computer Entertainment Inc. (SCE) and Sony Network Entertainment International LLC (SNEI) announced the ...

<b>Sony</b> Announces A New PlayStation Company – <b>Sony</b> Interactive <b>...</b>

Posted: 26 Jan 2016 01:25 AM PST

We are announcing the formation of a new company called Sony Interactive Entertainment LLC (SIE) that will serve as the headquarters for everything PlayStation. This new company, headquartered out of the United States in San Mateo, ...

<b>Sony</b> unisce le unit� di business <b>entertainment</b> network e <b>...</b>

Posted: 26 Jan 2016 01:16 AM PST

Sony Entertainment Network era nata nel 2011 all'indomani del famoso attacco hacker al PlayStation Network che indusse Sony a sospendere il servizio per circa un mese. continua a leggere. Source:: ...

G�n�ral <b>Sony</b> Computer <b>Entertainment</b> + <b>Sony</b> Network <b>...</b>

Posted: 26 Jan 2016 12:38 AM PST

Sony Computer Entertainment et Sony Network Entertainment sont dans un bateau. Personne ne tombe ? l'eau mais ils ont d?cid? de monter ensemble dans un nouveau bateau qui s'appellera Sony Interactive Entertainment.

<b>Sony</b> Computer Ent. y <b>Sony</b> Network Ent. se fusionan en <b>...</b> - Juegos db

Posted: 26 Jan 2016 12:32 AM PST

A partir de ahora tendremos que acostumbrarnos a cambiar el SCE de Sony Computer Entertainment, divisi?n en la que hasta ahora ca?a PlayStation 4, por SIE de.

<b>Sony</b> Interactive <b>Entertainment</b>: Umstrukturierung des PlayStation <b>...</b>

Posted: 26 Jan 2016 12:27 AM PST

Bei Sony hat man eine Neuordnung der PlayStation-Angelegenheiten vorbereitet, sodass alles PlayStation-bezogene demn?chst unter dem Namen Sony Interactive Entertainment zusammengefasst wird. Die Trennung in Sony Computer ...

<b>Sony</b> crea una nuova divisione per la PlayStation con base in USA <b>...</b>

Posted: 26 Jan 2016 12:27 AM PST

La nuova costola, Sony Interactive Entertainment (SIE), inaugurer? il prossimo 1 aprile il quartier generale a San Mateo, in California, ed avr? come presidente e CEO Andrew House. Cambieranno inevitabilmente degli equilibri, fino adesso la ...

xvoda tech | <b>Sony</b> combines network <b>entertainment</b> and PlayStation <b>...</b>

Posted: 26 Jan 2016 12:22 AM PST

Sony has reshuffled two of its major corporate divisions with the goal of improving service to consumers. Sony Computer Entertainment and Sony Network Entertainment are being combined into Sony Interactive Entertainment, a new business ...

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