martes, 19 de enero de 2016

Auf PS3 und PS Vita wird der Facebook-Support morgen mit neuer ...

Auf PS3 und PS Vita wird der Facebook-Support morgen mit neuer <b>...</b>

Auf PS3 und PS Vita wird der Facebook-Support morgen mit neuer <b>...</b>

Posted: 19 Jan 2016 12:15 AM PST

Zur Beendigung des Facebook-Supports teilte Sony bereits im vergangen Jahr mit: ?Im Januar 2016 wird Sony Computer Entertainment Inc. den Support f?r die Facebook-Features sowohl auf den PlayStation 3 und der PlayStation Vita ...

Killzone Visual Design Artbook angek�ndigt › News -

Posted: 18 Jan 2016 11:50 PM PST

Zum 15-j?hrigen Bestehen der Killzone-Serie von Sony und Guerilla Games stellt man heute das Killzone Visual Design Artbook vor, das auf ...

NIXPIX - DVD & BLU-RAY Reviews: GILDA: Blu-ray (Columbia 1946 <b>...</b>

Posted: 18 Jan 2016 09:32 PM PST

Sony Pictures Home Entertainment has licensed Gilda out to Criterion. Hold the phone: it's the same 2K transfer already available in Europe for more than five years on various 'region free' incarnations. The scan is derived from a restoration ...

DVD & Blu-Ray Release Report: 4K Ultra HD Blu-ray Comes To <b>...</b>

Posted: 18 Jan 2016 08:40 PM PST

Home Entertainment and Sony Pictures Home Entertainment announced during December and November respectively that they will also be releasing 4K Ultra HD Blu-ray titles in 2016, but nothing official with respect to the actual launch date ...

<b>Sony</b> crea el PS2 - Taringa!

Posted: 18 Jan 2016 08:31 PM PST

PlayStation 2 (oficialmente abreviado como PS2) es la segunda videoconsola de sobremesa producida por Sony Computer Entertainment y la sucesora de PlayStation. sera lanzada por primera vez el 4 de marzo del a?o 2000 en Jap?n, ...


Posted: 18 Jan 2016 07:34 PM PST

My other favorite spot during the Sony Open is my friends Dwight and Donna's home located on the tenth hole. The home is an architectural masterpiece and the ultimate entertainment pad. The buffet served here is seriously incredible with so ...

Comic Book Legends Revealed #558

Posted: 18 Jan 2016 06:16 PM PST

Copyright ? Entertainment Legends Revealed! - Powered by WordPress. ProSense theme created by Dosh Dosh and The Wrong Advices. Logo designed by John Gallagher. Subscribe to RSS feed.

The 5th Wave – The King Room <b>Entertainment</b>

Posted: 18 Jan 2016 04:07 PM PST

This Page has No Intention to infringe on the rights of Columbia Pictures (Sony) the intellectual property holder of The 5th Wave To Hold Copyrights over the movie, characters, merchandise & Storyline. Everything else is.. Copyright The King ...

VideoETA - Everything we know about 4K Ultra HD Blu-ray (right now)

Posted: 18 Jan 2016 03:06 PM PST

We know that there's been a lot of confusing information out there about the next step in packaged home media entertainment, but we finally have some of the answers. Over the course of the last six months or so, the 4K and/or Ultra HD .... Basically, Sony created the "Mastered in 4K" Blu-rays last year to try and take advantage of early adopters of the 4K Ultra HD TVs that were looking for any sort of 4K content. We have listed all 18 items that Sony put out on our 4K UHD and tried our ...

Eagles co-founder Glenn Frey dead at 67 - Honolulu Star-Advertiser

Posted: 18 Jan 2016 02:37 PM PST

Let it ride, majority says of rail · Search for missing Marines continues into third day · Build telescope, scrap convention, most say · Gomez wins Sony Open in a playoff · 4 injured after helicopter makes hard landing on Kauai. 4 comments ...

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