martes, 6 de enero de 2015

Politics 2day: Sony CEO praises employees, partners for standing ...

Politics 2day: <b>Sony</b> CEO praises employees, partners for standing <b>...</b>

Politics 2day: <b>Sony</b> CEO praises employees, partners for standing <b>...</b>

Posted: 06 Jan 2015 01:46 AM PST

"Freedom of speech and freedom of expression are... lifelines of Sony and our entertainment business," Hirai said during a presentation at the Consumer Electronics Show in Las Vegas. He also thanked those who had seen the movie.

Viewing The Interview - The Morning Brief

Posted: 05 Jan 2015 11:28 PM PST

This is not just about a remote hack of the Sony Entertainment IT network. This is about how a gigantic producer of media content, one of the top 10 producers in the world, is spiritually, intellectually, and behaviorally detached from the actual ...

Jon Stewart mocks <b>Sony</b> hack: NSA doesn't leak 'mean sh*t' about <b>...</b>

Posted: 05 Jan 2015 09:04 PM PST

Daily Show host Jon Stewart sarcastically joined in the outrage over North Korea's alleged cyber-attack against Sony Entertainment on Monday, saying that not even the National Security Agency (NSA) would go to such lengths in revealing ...

<b>Sony</b> chief thanks supporters after 'vicious' cyber attack - The Standard

Posted: 05 Jan 2015 08:21 PM PST

"Freedom of speech, freedom of expression, freedom of association -- those are important lifelines of Sony and our entertainment business,'' Hirai said at a press event. His comments on the eve of the Consumer Electronics Show in Las Vegas ...

Nieuwe camera en mediaspelers van <b>Sony</b> | Digitaal |

Posted: 05 Jan 2015 05:00 PM PST

Sony lanceert een serie die een enorme keuze aan online videodiensten biedt. Behalve YouTube is bijvoorbeeld ook Euro News, Path? Thuis, Videoland en Netflix binnen te krijgen. Via het Sony Entertainment Netwerk is bovendien een bijna ...

<b>Sony's</b> "The Interview": US Lays Sanctions on North Korea - Zacks <b>...</b>

Posted: 05 Jan 2015 08:10 AM PST

On Nov 24, the internal data reservoir of Sony's American subsidiary, Sony Pictures Entertainment, was hacked and valuable data related to upcoming movies and employees pay were stolen. As per the media reports, the hacking was a ...

Obama signs executive order authorizing even more sanctions <b>...</b>

Posted: 04 Jan 2015 06:05 AM PST

North Korea was hit with more sanctions on Friday designed to impede access to the U.S. financial system in the wake of a cyberattack on Sony Pictures Entertainment, which the Obama Administration has said was supported by the reclusive ...

DPRK Slams US Over <b>Sony</b> Hack Sanctions | Live Trading News

Posted: 03 Jan 2015 11:37 PM PST

United States has accused Pyongyang of hacking Sony Pictures Entertainment over a comedy film "The Interview" that depicts an assassination.

<b>Sony</b> Honcho Amy Pascal Speaks Out! - YouTube

Posted: 03 Jan 2015 09:00 PM PST

I wonder if Sam Raimi would like her job. He'd be the new Chairman of the Motion Pictures Group of Sony Pictures Entertainment. Henceforth all pictures from Sony would star Bruce Campbell.. Read moreShow less. Reply. ?. View all 2 replies.

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