jueves, 8 de enero de 2015

It Wasn't North Korea Or Russia: Sony Hack �Perpetrator� Said To Be ...

It Wasn't North Korea Or Russia: <b>Sony</b> Hack �Perpetrator� Said To Be <b>...</b>

It Wasn't North Korea Or Russia: <b>Sony</b> Hack �Perpetrator� Said To Be <b>...</b>

Posted: 07 Jan 2015 06:09 PM PST

Today, the FBI would like to provide an update on the status of our investigation into the cyber attack targeting Sony Pictures Entertainment (SPE). In late November, SPE confirmed that it was the victim of a cyber attack that destroyed systems ...

FBI gives new clues tying North Korea to <b>Sony</b> hack

Posted: 07 Jan 2015 02:50 PM PST

NEW YORK (AP) ? The FBI director revealed new details Wednesday about the stunning cyberattack against Sony Pictures Entertainment Inc., part of the Obama administration's effort to challenge persistent skepticism about whether North ...

New Set Photos From SPECTRE Show James Bond in the Snow <b>...</b>

Posted: 07 Jan 2015 11:46 AM PST

In addition to the photo at the top of this article (taken a couple of days ago), Sony Pictures has released some brand new set photos of the cast on location in S?lden, Austria, including looks at Craig, L?a Seydoux, and Dave Bautista, and it ...

<b>Sony</b> Unveils New Range of Home Audio and Video Products at <b>...</b>

Posted: 07 Jan 2015 11:25 AM PST

Sony during CES 2015 also launched a new operation of Blu-ray Disc Players touting integrated online streaming services like YouTube, Netflix and Amazon Prime; video-on-demand from a Sony Entertainment Network; faster Wi-Fi with ...

Directors of FBI and Office of National Intelligence blame <b>Sony</b> hack <b>...</b>

Posted: 07 Jan 2015 10:47 AM PST

Director of U.S. National Intelligence James Clapper (Alex Wong / Getty Images / AFP). The top intelligence official in the United States for the first time attributed the security breach suffered by Sony Pictures Entertainment to his North Korean ...

'Cyberaanval <b>Sony</b> was ernstigste tot nu toe tegen Amerikaans <b>...</b> - Nrc

Posted: 07 Jan 2015 08:12 AM PST

Kevin Mandia van het Amerikaanse veiligheidsbedrijf FireEye noemde de hack in een brief aan directeur Michael Lynton van Sony Entertainment ?een onge?venaarde en goed geplande misdaad?. President Obama kondigde na de hack ...

Bloodborne ganha tema exclusivo para PS4 na pr�-venda japonesa <b>...</b>

Posted: 07 Jan 2015 07:33 AM PST

A Sony Computer Entertainment Japan and Asia acaba de anunciar um b?nus de pr?-venda diferente para quem comprar o game Bloodborne, exclusivo do PlayStation 4, no Jap?o: nele, al?m da skin de Messenger usando cartolas, ...

Amazon's Fire Phone fizzled out because of Bezos's misplaced <b>...</b>

Posted: 07 Jan 2015 06:37 AM PST

Kim Youn Chol as the man who gave the order to hack Sony Pictures Entertainment last November, according to the Daily Beast. The finger-pointing was said to have been done at a cybersecurity conference today in Manhattan. [Source: The ...

Presidente da <b>Sony</b> diz que ciberataque n�o ter� impacto financeiro <b>...</b>

Posted: 07 Jan 2015 02:13 AM PST

Separadamente, a Sony Pictures Entertainment afirmou que o filme A Entrevista gerou receita de 36 milh?es de d?lares. Hirai disse a rep?rteres na Consumer Electronics Show, em Las Vegas, que tinha assinado todas as principais decis?es ...

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