jueves, 11 de diciembre de 2014

Malware In Sony (NYSE:SNE) Cyber Attack Very Sophisticated

Malware In <b>Sony</b> (NYSE:SNE) Cyber Attack Very Sophisticated

Malware In <b>Sony</b> (NYSE:SNE) Cyber Attack Very Sophisticated

Posted: 10 Dec 2014 09:38 PM PST

Wednesday an FBI official underscored the unprecedented nature of the cyber attack on Sony Pictures Entertainment, (NYSE:SNE) suggesting to a Senate committee that most of private industry and even the government is unprepared to ...

<b>Sony</b> Hackers Reveal Tom Hanks, Jessica Alba, Daniel Craig's <b>...</b>

Posted: 10 Dec 2014 08:27 PM PST

The latest Sony hacking leak revealed aliases and fake names which were used by celebrities to protect their privacy during ... Employee victims of Sony ... Posted by Entertainment - Google News on 12/11/14 ? Categorized as Entertainment ...

Fly Young World: <b>Sony</b> Leak: Studio Exec Calls Kevin Hart a Greedy <b>...</b>

Posted: 10 Dec 2014 08:22 PM PST

The email exchange below, between Sony Pictures co-chair Amy Pascal, studio exec Clint Culpepper, and Sony Entertainment CEO Michael Lynton, pertains to squeaky Mr. Hart, whose fame has continued to expand with recent Sony Pictures ...

<b>Sony</b> Studio Execs Calls Angelina Jolie �Spoiled Brat� & Kevin Hart

Posted: 10 Dec 2014 08:01 PM PST

Sony Pictures executives shouldn't expect an invite to Angelina Jolie or Kevin Hart's house anytime soon. In newly leaked e-mails courtesy of the anonymous Sony hacker, Sony Pictures Entertainment's co-chairwoman Amy Pascal's in the ...

<b>Sony</b> is reportedly using hacker methods to take its stolen data offline

Posted: 10 Dec 2014 07:55 PM PST

Sony apparently isn't rolling over as hackers breach and pilfer its data. As a way to fight back, the company is using hacking methods of its own to combat illegal downloads of its property, according to Recode. The entertainment giant is ...

Producer Calls Angelina Jolie A 'Minimally Talented Spoiled Brat' In <b>...</b>

Posted: 10 Dec 2014 07:08 PM PST

Angelina Jolie has been blasted by a top Hollywood producer in a series of emails that leaked on line over the past week following a major hack of Sony Pictures. Hackers were able to get around 100 terabytes of data, including social security ...

'The Interview' -- <b>Sony</b> Boots Media from Premiere | TMZ.com

Posted: 10 Dec 2014 04:38 PM PST

Score one for the hackers -- Sony Pictures is shutting down all interviews with Seth Rogen and James Franco at the Hollywood premiere of "The Interview"?

The <b>SONY</b> Hack Reveals More! Apparently One Executive Called <b>...</b>

Posted: 10 Dec 2014 04:15 PM PST

One executive at SONY thinks Kevin Hart is just in it for the money.

Marvel and <b>Sony</b> Spider-Man Deal Still Might be on the Table <b>...</b>

Posted: 10 Dec 2014 03:25 PM PST

Sony Japan thinks the Marvel deal for Spider-Man is still on the table and they want to renegotiate as a return to quality, the 60/40 split can be negotiated and Sony Entertainment's October hard-line stance of wanting creative control is now ...

Kevin Hart -- <b>Sony</b> Exec Calls Him a Money Whore | TMZ.com

Posted: 10 Dec 2014 01:40 PM PST

Kevin Hart tried to gouge Sony Pictures out of extra money -- on top of the millions he already received -- for promoting his movie on social media, and a Sony exec groused, "I'm not saying he's a whore, but he's a whore" ... this according to the ...

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